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Ban Appeal


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SS14 account: BillyBobCletus (I do want it to be Sikflip knowing people see that now)
Character name: Joshua Hynes
Type of Ban: Game Ban
Date of Ban and Duration: 10k minutes
Reason for Ban: Wall Glitch
Server you were playing on when banned: Wizard
Your side of the story: I was wall phaser so before telling admemes I wanted to steal a jester suit from sec and did too for a bit
Why you think you should be unbanned: Because I feel that is bit harsh, did not want to do anything bad just wanted to have jester suit while waiting for admins to help me
Anything else we should know: I did notify admins for someone who actually abused it as a syndie, I do see why this is important thats all. I do apologize for it. Also I do feel it is bit harsh seeing as when a nukie did abuse this glitch he was thrown into space still being able to come back to ship and play. Although again I do understand.

Edited by BillyBobCletus
Just had more to say
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  • Game Admin
10 minutes ago, BillyBobCletus said:

Also I do feel it is bit harsh seeing as when a nukie did abuse this glitch he was thrown into space still being able to come back to ship and play.

For what it's worth I'm going to bring this up internally because I believe this person should've been banned also.


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Hey Sikflip,

Staff consensus is to accept your appeal. As standard procedure for multiple accounts not involving ban evasion, the account "BillyBobCletus" will remain banned by ID only, however the other components will be removed which will allow you to connect under "Sikflip". Have fun.

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