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Everything posted by veritius

  1. Please make mindshielded revolutionaries not remember if another person was or was not a revolutionary. I don't think it's very fun to lose as a headrev through no fault of your own because someone snitched.
  2. Shitters are always going to be present, it's unavoidable. The question is how harshly they should be dealt with. And, with several things being removed because of misuse by a select few, where do we draw the line?
  3. You can't babyproof literally everything that may be of slight concern or even theoretical risk. Additionally, Wizard's Den is 16+ - I don't believe a 16yo drinking antifreeze because they saw it on a video game is a concern. Little Timmy might, but kids get banned pretty quick for... well, writing like children, and any poisonous substances should be well secured by guardians, not to mention the bottles literally say poison. Also, Little Timmy shouldn't even be playing this game - parents should be watching their kids to make sure they're not playing fucking Postal 2 or something. This is very much a game for mature audiences, too. People can explode into steaming piles of gore, drink unholy amounts of alcohol until they die, overdose on over-the-counter medication until they die, do massive amounts of methamphetamine until they die, turn other people into burgers and eat them, shoot other people and cruelly laugh at them as the life leaves their body, etc. I think the name of a drink is a pretty minor concern.
  4. Not validhunting, but may be considered metagaming. Validhunting is going out of your way to kill or detail antagonists (or anyone else considered 'valid') when it isn't your job. IE a medical doctor hunting around in maints for a traitor.
  5. i don't carry a weapon and instead grab whatever's nearby
  6. Such as picking up a mouse, mouse tries to escape, you put it down and immediately pick it back up so it can't escape.
  7. Also cannot be easily recorded for later viewing by admins. You know how text is very small and can be stored efficiently? Audio files are huge. You can't store that for tens of people, thousands of rounds, etc.
  8. you can and will be banned if you do this
  9. Even if they didn't respond, they definitely read it. No need to post here.
  10. So the ability to polymorph at will? That's not part of the game code yet, so: You'd have to create a new component in C# and add an action to it (for each polymorph if it's just a few, a UI if it's a lot)
  11. If you mean one of the Wizard's Den servers: All Wizard's Den servers share an admin team and database - this means a ban on one server bans you from the others.
  12. Any appeals that don't follow the template will be denied. (Note: I'm not an admin, that's just what they do every time.) Template is here:
  13. If I remember correctly, Steam Community bans cannot be appealed. I could be wrong, though. If you want to know more, regular game admins don't have any jurisdiction there, and you'll instead have to talk to a wizard (try Vera)
  14. If you want to modify the game, it's highly recommended you read the getting started guide. A dev environment isn't necessary, but is very helpful, especially as it uses version control. You can do without it though, and just read the YAML section of the bike horn guide.
  15. This is not the forum for Nyanotrasen. This is for Wizard's Den. Go here instead: https://discord.com/channels/968983104247185448/1019655417409851475
  16. I think only Windows 10 is really supported by us. You can also use any modern Linux distribution.
  17. The game updated to dotNET 7, which does not support Windows 7. It will not be changed back.
  18. Organs are always inside people, just invisible. To get them out, whack them until they explode. Use a bat or something else that does blunt damage - other damage types won't work.
  19. The game is officially supported on Windows 10+, MacOS, and Linux. Windows 7 and below is not supported, not by us, not by Microsoft.
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