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Everything posted by eewa

  1. eewa

    peanut posting

    btw admins you should probably clarify what peanut posting is in the rules board
  2. Discord account: eewa#3123 Ban reason: Being annoying I'd presume. I don't recall being toxic (though maybe I was a little rude occasionally). I can't be 100% sure though, this was a while ago. There is also one more reason I think I was banned, but I'll get into that later. When was the ban: A few months ago. Your side of the story: Well I was banned for being annoying/toxic, can't remember. I joined the discord because I had some questions about the game and what would be added. Lots of "when you code it" answers. I suppose this annoyed the admins, because one of them (who's name I can't remember) started being quite rude to me - so I blocked them. I read a few of their blocked messages and they were mad I wasn't replying to them, and eventually straight up kicked me for that! When I rejoined another admin said the kick was wrongful. But a bit after I was permanently banned. Why you think you should be unbanned: To start things off, I PROMISE I won't be annoying if I'm allowed back in. I just was curious about the game, but I will contain all my questions/concerns if it annoys someone, if someone tells me to shut up I will. Secondly, though probably more important, a lot of people were being rude to me, and I would sometimes be somewhat-rude back, and this was used against me in my ban, which I think is a bit unfair (since I tried to be as kind as possible even while being insulted). And thirdly, I really really really need to be unbanned, because my game unban was "vetoed" by admins who still don't like me from my discord behavior. If I'm able to rejoin the Discord, I can show them I have changed and can be friendly. Anything else we should know: If I got any of the details wrong, please don't see this as lying. I've had a bad memory all my life, and I don't mean to lie if anything I said was wrong. If this is denied, please PM me so I can work something else out, I really want to rejoin the server.
  3. eewa


    are there any servers that can only be direct connected to?
  4. Sorry, adding one more thing: To the admins who "vetoed" my ban, can I PLEASE talk about it, I truly am sorry for being toxic, and I'll apologize to any admin who thinks I should remain banned.
  5. Well I pressed enter and it posted for some reason, I wasn't finished. SS14 account: eewa Byond account: eewa Character name: Not sure, I use random names - I believe it was Wyatt something. When was the ban: Today Server you were playing on when banned: The US West server (Lizard, I think.) Your side of the story: I had been banned for toxicity two months ago (around that time, at least.) and to my surprise was unbanned today. I had done an appeal very recently (just a few days ago), so I assumed that even though it was denied by metalgearsloth (who said that appealing more isn't gonna get me unbanned, even though I hadn't appealed at all yet), another admin figured it was accepted. But nonetheless, I said in OOC chat that I was unbanned somehow and asked if it was a mistake (no response). I played a round and then was banned again for the reason listed above. Why you think you should be unbanned: Well, for starters, I was banned for being toxic, and I promise I can be kind now. The time I was unbanned I was friendly (aside from a single time where I called the captain dumb in dead chat, because he was killing tons of people for very little reason, even killing one person for not following orders.). I have also been active-ish on the forums, so while this doesn't mean much, hopefully it'll show that I'm interested in the game and actually want to play and enjoy it. Anything else we should know: Please give me another chance, it's been months and I'm doing anything I can to be unbanned, is there anything I can do if this is denied? Please tell me.
  6. So, I was unbanned somehow (which surprised me, and I even said in OOC chat if this was an accident or not), and was able to play a round before being banned again. The reason was "unbanned without appeal - vetoed by admins" or something along the sort.
  7. eewa

    graphics change

    why were most of the tile's textures change? i saw it in one of the update logs and looking at the steam page's screenshots, the old tile textures actually look better! was there any reason to this?
  8. eewa

    peanut posting

    what is peanut posting??
  9. SS14 account: eewa Byond account: eewa Character name: I forgot, I use random names most of the time. When was the ban: A month or two ago, I can't remember but it was a while ago. Server you were playing on when banned: Lizard (US West) Your side of the story: I was banned for toxicity in OOC, and I'm not going to lie or try to justify it. I was being an asshole in the OOC chat because the captain was harassing me for OOC reasons (I don't remember 100%, but they pretty much said they didn't like me from other rounds), so I was complaining a lot, which I shouldn't have been. I could've just A-Helped but instead I was pissy in OOC and annoyed a lot of people. Eventually I was warned (and kicked) and when I rejoined I was banned. Why you think you should be unbanned: It's been at least a month since my ban, and I was told to return when I can be kind. And now, I can. I am VERY sorry for being such an asshole, I'm usually not toxic and I have no clue why I suddenly got so rude, but I regret it a lot. I have a big interest in SS14, and it looks very promising, and it sucks a lot that I can't play it. I won't use OOC at all anymore (unless I absolutely have to), and I'll rid myself of any toxicity. I've already apologized to metalgearsloth (who I was probably the most toxic to, even though I have nothing against him). I know it might be hard to fully believe what I'm saying, but PLEASE give me another chance, I want to play more SS14 so bad. If there's anything I can do to be unbanned please let me know. More simply, I can be less of a rude person (which is all the ban message asked). Anything else we should know: My previous ban WASN'T for how I acted OOC, so please don't see that as proof I can't change.
  10. SS14 account: eewa Character name: I use random names, so I've forgotten. When was the ban: A few days ago. Server you were playing on when banned: Lizard Your side of the story: I was being toxic in the OOC chat because the captain was being very incompetent and maybe even self-antagging (he had been harassing me as soon as soon as the round began saying it was because he had reports of me "RDMing" mind you this was IC. And he took everything from my character including my ID). So I, well, whined about it in OOC because it was very annoying, and eventually called the admins shitheads because instead of telling the cap to chill, they were threatening me. I was kicked shortly after as a warning and when I rejoined was instantly banned (even though I stopped) with the reason "come back when you're less rude." Why you think you should be unbanned: I'm not usually toxic, I don't know why I overreacted so badly and started being such an asshole, but I wouldn't do it again if I was ever allowed back. SS14 has been more or less the only game that has kept my attention, and I'm so bored without it, the game means a lot to me even if it's just in beta. Like I said, I really shouldn't have been so toxic. Since the admin who banned me told me to come back when I can be less rude, I should be allowed to come back as I won't be rude. I won't talk in OOC at all if that is what you want. Anything else we should know: If I'm allowed back I promise I will never have to post another appeal here (as I won't be banned for anything else).
  11. adding onto this, the predator should have it's damage buffed or recoil nerfed, because I don't see a reason to use it over the other traiter guns.
  12. Discord account: eewa#3123 Banning admin: I'm not sure Ban reason: I wasn't told. Though now I am being told I was just being a nuisance. When was the ban: A few days to a week ago. Your side of the story: I have questions and concerns about this game, and I would voice them. Coders and admins would respond to me (although while some being toxic) so I assumed it was okay. Why you think you should be unbanned: I wasn't warned, and the only time I had been kicked the admins told me the kick was wrongful. And since the admins were responding to me I had every right to assume this was okay. On my previous appeal the admin replied with a bunch of screenshot of me being rude also, but these were way after others were being rude to me, though I will admit I shouldn't have been rude at all and am sorry for that.
  13. also, the "list of antags" is not only sort of hard to read but it doesnt show all antags unless you have a really big monitor haha
  14. the only time i remember hiding people's bodies in trash bins is when i was an antag and when a person was constantly trying to attack and kill me (after being revived)
  15. and to add on to this, i was banned for stunning someone, not anything else you said
  16. i dont really kill and when i do i ensure they get cloned, and also you dont know if im an antag or not. also when i do "break into things" its only when im an assistant because i barely get any other roles
  17. and also, i will add, i dont really expect the admins to act this way forever
  18. metal is called steel in the game, and you can get it from deconstructing lots of things (like tables) and its in some rooms too, and glass can be deconstructed from windows
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