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About Katdere_ImitatesTheLizards

  • Birthday 04/03/2006

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  1. Hasn't gotten they money up and instead their funny up.


  2. I forgot to add my discord "skye_tei" Im in the wizden discord under Katdere if you want me to send it there
  3. Thank you for letting me know the only thing i would change is the ban reason to the updated reason and to have everything in my second post to be my Reason the ban should be removed: and to make a agreement that the entire "Metagrudeing" thing can be disproven. I made a joke about having someone on the metagruding list in LOOC and to make the claim that i metagruded anybody cant be proven. There is a list but it is not for metagruding. If you would like to see the actual list id be willing to send it as a text file on discord or a edited version without names in the replies as it dose contain IC names of people and 1 OOC name of a very toxic person who is banned from the wizden discord. most of the file is just plans for nukies and syndies to be honest and it think half the names are just people I trained or memes.
  4. it got fixed!! yippie i do have a question. do i just make a new appeal at this point because this one is like really outdated. but I think I got my point across in the statement above and if i was to make another one it would most likely be the same text above worded differently and more condensed.
  5. You make a good point. giving every department their own ordering console is an idea tested and proven to work is SS13. The only issue with something like this is devolvement time (making a UI in this game is worse than being forced to listen to baby shark for 10 hours) and the topic of should department budget be a thing and how do they get money. and crates are pretty much made indestructible would make change tip the scales in certain gamemodes. Nukies/Zombies is harder on the crew because if there is no one to open the Med/Sec crates then you have to spend a ungodly amount of time trying to beat them open with a crowbar. For Traitors/Revs It makes it harder for them to access guns for free which is a good change forcing them to use C4/EMAG to open a crate, and forcing revs to acquire the right ID. that puts more value on HoS's/Warden's ID
  6. In my own opinion a way of fixing this "it feels like power gaming" is by adding another use for mindshields. I think adding multiples uses would give more of a reason to order them than "just in case revs" if mindshields were a basic piece of sec equipment then ordering them would be like ordering a non lethal crate. If you are wondering what kind of uses they can have I can give examples. Wizard Mindswap, Syndicate Hypno Flash, Cultists. this is all I can think of currently. Sec should be able to buy sec equipment without having to feel like they are powegaming
  7. Thank you for giving me the reasons. I think everything below is a much better fit for the Reason the ban should be removed The Metagrudging list is a meme. its a list people with things they have done IC. both good and bad its name is a joke and is just used to remember certain people. this stems from me pointing out someone being mean in LOOC and saying "Threes a reason why hes on the metagrudge list" Id like to clarify that the metagrudge list is not real. I have never metagrudged anyone because going after someone for something the did in a past round is stupid. Doing something to someone in game because of something they did OOC is also stupid. I think the entire concept of metagruding is be stupid. The Over-Escalation most likely refers to rev rounds and a rev round where I stunned and killed a rev trying to kill a sec and in no way could I take them to sec or evac due to the fear of being killed brutally by a hoard of revs. Escalation in rev rounds is hard when you cant tell who is shielded and me doing that was bad. I saw yesterday a warden shoot down an entire group of people that included the hop because they were trying to get onto evac. My point being I presumed that the sec rules were deferent for revs due the nature of the gamemode. This is really the only case of Over-Escalation i can think of sec wise. For the self antiaging i do agree that I did go to far with stealing the hos's locker for clothing and should properly not break heads lockers just to steal some of their clothes. I also agree that I make really out there schemes to just be an annoyance that is not is not okay even if its because of sec being bad at their jobs I should not make an entire department mad because because i was wronged by one guy. I can agree im kind of a shitter on LRP and to me thats because you cant seem to find opportunity to roleplay, and the only real way is to either commit a small crime and go to court that never happens or get lucky and find someone to talk to that also is not actively being a problematic person. (this is talking about passenger/mime) I think I should be given a second opportunity to be able to play and enjoy the game and learn from my past mistakes
  8. Ban reason: Repeated selfantag behavior Length of ban: [Perma] Events leading to the ban: [So its a little odd on how to start this because I dont know what i was banned for because of what I was told. I was going about my day on meta I thought it would be a good idea to collect hos drip to go with my garb so I go about in a way I broke into HoS's office broke his locker with the intention of stealing his clothing and was gonna put a locked crate in its place I was then ahelped and asked why i was stealing and breaking into his locker I gave my reason and told this was that it was the second time I did this in the past day, I was then told I broke into armory the previous day which to be honest I have actual no clue what they are referring to I did do something along the ends of that a week ago where i moved an entire bar into armory from space and died of liver failure but i honestly dont know. After being arrested by sec for my illegal drip I brought into sec and was given a light sentence by HoS. I was then perma banned] Reason the ban should be removed: [I feel as the ban I received was harsh. I feel like a week ban would have been a better fit for what I have done, I was being a grubby little greytider and I need to face consequences for it but I think being given the same punishment as mass murder is a bit much. i enjoy the game, the community, and would like to remain apart of it.]
  9. To the first question. (It is the start of the round. There are 60 players on the server. The game mode is traitors, traitors have not been selected yet. A chaplain prays to you "Give me a task my lord".) It would really depends it would be quite funny to ask that and suddenly be a ToT, but there is many other things you could do such as speaking as the pilar and tell them to do a task such as "obtain all the stamps of the heads for great power" and upon completion of the tasks or task give him a wizard spell or wand that would not impact the round hard but something to show off. My answer to the second (You see a clown using crayon to write on the floor in front of security. The clown writings are negative things about security, like "shitsec". A secoff tells the clown that they're being arrested for vandalism, stuns them, and cuffs them. Before the secoff is able to get the clown into the brig, a passenger slips the secoff, causing them to lose their baton, then uses the baton to stun another secoff that comes to help as the clown runs away. The passenger escapes through disposals.) To be honest I have been in something like this before as the tider in this scenario. This comes down to variables and How much sec have on their plate, If sec are in a calm state and nothing is happening this would be mostly ok, If the tider uses the baton more in not nice ways I would warn them against the use on sec. If this round was already in a full panic when this happened I would tell the tider the moment he is in a safe place not to baton sec or encourage him to return the baton without letting him know the current state of sec and the round, further more if he keeps the baton on the calm round and dose not use against sec further I would let it slide unless someone AHelps. The Final (You log in to handle an ahelp that came in while nobody was online about "self-antag" activity. The player being reported as self-antagging was being a problem and could be considered acting outside of the rules, but they are no longer online and cannot be contacted about their behavior. While outside of the rules, the infractions are, minor and would not normally result in more than a warning in most cases.) In this case it would be best to check the logs and wait until the player is online or more reports are made, in the case they are online it would be as simple of giving them a warning, on the side that more reports are made and a further lack of admins is there to help it would be a better to just stick them with a day ban with the reason being a warning, detailing what they did wrong and a engorging message telling them other things they could do besides murdering random people or stealing high risk items for fun.
  10. I would like to start this off with the fact I am not 18, I am 17 but I have the agility to show great maturity. Characters/Discord/OOC Name: My name in game is Catdere, My Discord and this time is Skye~#4325 and I am the owner of the character Skye-Tei Zopery Young women short hair different colored eyes How long have you been playing SS13 or SS14: Ive put in around a 1000 hours into SS14 I play SS13 as well but I could only say I've played 50 hours roughly How many hours are you available per day: I'm Available every day and can play for 4 to 8 hours if needed Prior Admin Experience: To keep it simple not any What role do you think game admins serve on our servers. How do you feel about the current roleplay status on the server. Why do you want to become an administrator for SS14: I'm combining this part into one. I see the admins as a guides for roleplay I believe the admins should be opening up new and more opportunity being that acting as God, Centcom or The Syndicate as well as enforcing the rules or letting things slide if good for the round. The time at which I play the game (12PM - 9AM ET) is a mixed bag of roleplay its not bad you could say its just people care a lot less and more bad actors show up at this time to ruin the fun of everyone, I wish to become an Admin to push myself deeper into the community but more importantly give the people who play the game during these late hours someone to turn to when bad actors show up or to let players be given the same RP opportunities as ones at other hours.
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