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Gasmask09 last won the day on March 3 2023

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  1. I created and saved my shuttle, when I try to load it I get the following error runtime: Caught exception in "entsys" System.Collections.Generic.KeyNotFoundException: Entity 0 does not have a component of type Robust.Shared.Physics.Components.PhysicsComponent at Robust.Shared.GameObjects.EntityQuery`1.GetComponent(EntityUid uid) in /home/runner/work/space-station-14/space-station-14/RobustToolbox/Robust.Shared/GameObjects/EntityManager.Components.cs:line 1340 at Robust.Shared.Physics.Systems.SharedPhysicsSystem.Solve(PhysicsMapComponent component, Single frameTime, Single dtRatio, Single invDt, Boolean prediction) in /home/runner/work/space-station-14/space-station-14/RobustToolbox/Robust.Shared/Physics/Systems/SharedPhysicsSystem.Island.cs:line 311 at Robust.Shared.Physics.Systems.SharedPhysicsSystem.Step(PhysicsMapComponent component, Single frameTime, Boolean prediction) in /home/runner/work/space-station-14/space-station-14/RobustToolbox/Robust.Shared/Physics/Systems/SharedPhysicsSystem.Island.cs:line 296 at Robust.Shared.Physics.Systems.SharedPhysicsSystem.SimulateWorld(Single deltaTime, Boolean prediction) in /home/runner/work/space-station-14/space-station-14/RobustToolbox/Robust.Shared/Physics/Systems/SharedPhysicsSystem.cs:line 338 at Robust.Shared.GameObjects.EntitySystemManager.TickUpdate(Single frameTime, Boolean noPredictions) in /home/runner/work/space-station-14/space-station-14/RobustToolbox/Robust.Shared/GameObjects/EntitySystemManager.cs:line 318
  2. Yes, in this forum people usually ask "How" and "Why" and then I show up and want something from the developers The guys and I were playing something like Survival in the Desert, only the problem is that every new round everything we did disappears. The admin vaguely explained it with the following reasons: Maps with "organics" (that's what he called players for some reason) don't save as they should, or refuse to save in their entirety. And for some reason, I do not remember whether he explained or not, can not make it so that the round is not restarted What do I want? I want to be able to save a map with characters and their items in the inventory. random screenshot from this round btw
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