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luckyshotpictures last won the day on November 26 2023

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About luckyshotpictures

  • Birthday May 27

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  1. This ban is already over.
  2. Please read this post and use the template in it for your appeal:
  3. To enable speedy review of all appeals, appeals that meet certain requirements may bypass the standard, often lengthy, review process. Our banning policy requires appeals which are denied using the speedy review process have this notice placed on them. Any of the following criteria typically make an appeal eligible for the speedy review process: the ban length is less than or equal to 14 days, the appeal is older than 7 days, or the result of the appeal is obvious. In some cases, the banning admin may process the appeal. The banning admin cannot process the appeal if: the facts that led to the ban are disputed, the appeal makes a claim that the admin who placed it was biased, or the ban was not within the ban guidelines. You may contact a head game admin if you believe this appeal was handled improperly, but should be aware that this will typically only result in a review of the processing of the appeal itself, with the appeal being re-opened if an issue is found. An appeal is considered to have been processed improperly if the criteria to use the speedy review process was not met, or if the facts which the processing admin relied on to process the appeal were incorrect. You must concisely describe why you believe the appeal was handled improperly. If no issue is found with the processing of the appeal, the appeal itself will not be re-reviewed. If, in bad faith, you claim that an appeal was handled improperly, the reviewing head admin may decide to extend the time you must wait before you appeal and/or extend your ban duration. You can find a full list of staff, including head game admins at the staff directory.
  4. That is why you you were banned. Every single person who works on this project is an unpaid volunteer working out of their own volition, as a hobby. This also applies to admins. We reserve the right to ban anyone who is abusive to members of staff. Your appeal shows a level of this disrespect as well. It is unlikely that the admin team is going to accept it, so I will be denying it and save us all some time. You can appeal again no sooner than the 18th of January 2024. I suggest heavily to take some time to reflect on your behaviour in regards to how you act around them and belittle them. Have a wonderful morning.
  5. Sehr geehrte/r BONDAMF, als Mitglied des Admin-Teams, und ebenfalls als Deutsche, möchte ich mich hiermit zu deinem Einspruch äußern. Nach sorgfältiger Überprüfung durch das Admin-Team bedauern wir, dir mitteilen zu müssen, dass dein Einspruch abgelehnt wurde. Dein Charaktername „ADOLF RIZZLER“ hat bei vielen in unserer Gemeinschaft Unbehagen und Besorgnis ausgelöst, insbesondere aufgrund der Kombination beider Namensbestandteile. Kürzlich hatten wir Fälle, in denen Nutzer mit anstößigem, nazibezogenem Inhalt für Unruhe gesorgt haben. Vor diesem Hintergrund muss unser Team besonders wachsam gegenüber potenziell provokativen oder kontroversen Namen sein. Die Tatsache, dass dein Name komplett in Großbuchstaben geschrieben ist, wirkt, als ob du damit gezielt Aufmerksamkeit erregen möchtest. Dies, zusammen mit der Kombination der beiden Namensbestandteile, hinterlässt bei vielen einen negativen Eindruck. Zudem scheint es, als würdest du das potenzielle Problem deines Charakternamens in diesem Kontext nicht vollständig verstehen. Es ist wichtig, sich bewusst zu sein, wie bestimmte Namen oder Referenzen von einer breiten Gemeinschaft aufgefasst werden können, insbesondere in einem internationalen und kulturell vielfältigen Umfeld. Leider müssen wir auch feststellen, dass dein Umgang mit unseren Teammitgliedern als feindselig wahrgenommen wurde. Angesichts der oben genannten Gründe waren die Fragen und Bedenken unseres Teams durchaus berechtigt. Wir verstehen, dass dies für dich enttäuschend sein mag, aber die Entscheidung unseres Teams zielt darauf ab, eine sichere und respektvolle Umgebung für alle Nutzer zu gewährleisten. Wir danken dir für dein Verständnis und hoffen, dass du die Beweggründe hinter unserer Entscheidung nachvollziehen kannst. Mit freundlichen Grüßen, luckyshotpictures
  6. Originally I thought you were ignoring me, but considering that some ahelps were broken for players and admins I think that was the reason for it. Initial reason was you were cuffing security in security as a non-antag clown. That was when I sent the initial ahelp. I then saw you walking out of security without uncuffing them, which was the point where I ahelped you. I watched you walk around the station with plenty of oppurtunity to answer and log off in a closet near evac, so that is why I thought you were ignoring me.
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