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  1. SS14 account: SS14 account username. Skaffen Character name: I randomized it and never really learned it Type of Ban: Whether this is a game ban, job ban… Game ban Date of Ban and Duration: Appeal Reason for Ban: “lying to admins in ahelp about what actually caused the AME to explode.” Server you were playing on when banned: Server name. Either Miros, Spider, Lizard or Centipede. (We cannot do anything about bans on unofficial servers.) Lizard Your side of the story: Explain what happened in your own words. Ok so I was checking out AME when I had the “bright idea to increase the AME injections This was like my second time using AME outside of putting it together. Soon after it exploded and an admin messaged me asking about what happened and I lied then promptly got banned. Why you think you should be unbanned: Why should you get this opportunity While to be fair I will say me lying was in the wrong but on the other hand I did not know the AME would explode if you increase the injections because it was like my second time using it” I knew that you weren't supposed to go over double the amount but I did not know it would explode and if i did I would not have done it. When I lied i'm not trying to make an excuse i got really scared and in that moment that was the only thing i could do And for that im truly sorry while I dont think its my place to judge whether or not my ban was unfair and it's not like i'm some huge help to the community or anything of that sort what i do know is that I really like this game and I really like the community but most of all it would give me a chance to learn from my mistakes and even maybe if the time calls upon teaching others to avoid the mistakes i did make. I knwo what is did was foolish and stupid but if I get another chance I will do better because i do not want to get banned again (it sucks) I also do relize my actions killed some people and wasted there time and i truly regret that. I'm very sorry and whatever you decide I will accept with grace and dignity. Thank you for your time. to return, what value do you bring back to the community? Was your ban unfair? Justify it. Anything else we should know: If you have anything else you feel is relevant to your appeal, include it here.
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