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  1. 15 points
  2. = Global Forum Rules = 0. Don't be a dick, and use common sense. * People are allowed to have opinions different from your own. You can disagree with someone without being a hostile asshole. 1. Be civil. No harassment or offensive/abusive/hate speech content. * This includes "this is so offensive it's clearly satire". 2. No griefing, spamming or intentionally derailing discussions. Peanut-posting in important forums like ban appeals or complaints will get you punished. 3. NSFW content is allowed ONLY in the context of certain discussions. * This leeway is granted if it's in the context of an existing discussion and correctly spoiler tagged. 4. Do not post anything that is illegal to upload in your area or is illegal to host in the USA. 5. This is primarily an english-speaking community. Do not hold discussions or makes posts in languages other than English. Whenever this post is updated, there will be a timestamp.
    14 points
  3. To prevent abuse, please post a reply containing only the text from the following image:
    9 points
  4. That's all. Thank you to the volunteers, contributors, admins, and the players in the community for an engaging time. Just wanted to shoutout devs because this shit fucking rocks.
    8 points
  5. = How to appeal = It is unlikely that you will have a second chance to appeal a game ban. If you are angry or upset about your ban, it is highly recommended you wait a day or two before posting an appeal so that it has a higher chance of success. Make sure you are logged into the forums with your Space Station 14 account. Appeals made on accounts other than the one which is banned will be closed. Copy and paste the correct template into your post in the Ban Appeals Subforum, then delete anything after the colons and fill it in with your information. Please note that we only handle bans for the official Space Station 14 game servers, which are titled "Wizard's Den". You do not have to grovel and suck up to us. We are human beings. You are a human being. Please act like a normal person talking to their equal, and we will treat you the same. If you are appealing bans on multiple platforms, like a Discord ban and a game ban, make separate appeal posts. Do not combine both appeals into the same post. If you already have an open ban appeal for the same platform, do not post another. Write a new comment under your currently open ban appeal. Please do not mess with the formatting & colors of your appeal to make it as annoying as possible to read just because you can. Your appeal will be denied outright if you deliberately make it harder to read. = Post title = [Your SS14 Account Username or Discord Handle] - [Summarized Reason for Ban] = For game bans = Ban reason: [Reason for ban, visible when attempting to join the server] Length of ban: [How long the ban is for] Events leading to the ban: [Provide a clear and concise explanation of the events leading up to the ban, including any relevant conversations or factors that may have influenced your actions. Include any events you feel may be relevant to the ban, even if you aren't sure that they are. Admin cannot review the entire round for every appeal, so it is important to be able to draw their attention to everything that is relevant to the ban. Intentionally excluding information relevant to the ban is likely to hinder your appeal.] Reason the ban should be removed: [Explain why you feel the ban should be removed, either that the ban was inappropriate or that you no longer need to be banned to prevent issues] = For role/job bans = Role(s): [List of the roles you are appealing a ban for] Length of ban: [How long the ban is for] Events leading to the ban: [Provide a clear and concise explanation of the events leading up to the ban, including any relevant conversations or factors that may have influenced your actions. Include any events you feel may be relevant to the ban, even if you aren't sure that they are. Admin cannot review the entire round for every appeal, so it is important to be able to draw their attention to everything that is relevant to the ban. Intentionally excluding information relevant to the ban is likely to hinder your appeal.] Reason the ban should be removed: [Explain why you feel the ban should be removed, either that the ban was inappropriate or that you no longer need to be banned to prevent issues] = For Discord bans = Discord account: [Your Discord username including the # identifier. eg. Clown#1234] Date of ban: [Date of ban] Events leading to the ban: [Provide a clear and concise explanation of the events leading up to the ban, including any relevant conversations or factors that may have influenced your actions] Reason the ban should be removed: [Explain why you feel the ban should be removed, either that the ban was inappropriate or that you no longer need to be banned to prevent issues] = For GitHub bans = GitHub account: [Your GitHub username] Date of ban: [Date of ban] Events leading to the ban: [Provide a clear and concise explanation of the events leading up to the ban, including any relevant conversations or factors that may have influenced your actions. This may include links to GitHub issues and pull requests that you were involved in before the ban.] Reason the ban should be removed: [Explain why you feel the ban should be removed, either that the ban was inappropriate or that you no longer need to be banned to prevent issues]
    8 points
  6. pro forgot to use the template and is currently banned, good app
    6 points
  7. abolish rule clarifications as they are. if neither admins or players are expected to know about or read them what purpose do they serve besides someone digging them up to say "erm akshually". current rule clarifications need to be collapsed in as footnotes into the rules when they are significant, not shuffled into a forum where they're easily forgotten and impossible to navigate. rule clarifications sit idle because no admins want to formulate response to them because they have to go through a voting process and the issues they bring up are typically edge-case-grey-area of little consequence. if something is a significant "clarification" it probably needs to be mentioned somewhere in the actual rules, otherwise it is of sufficiently little importance that apparently nobody needs to read it unless you're hunting for an excuse that your ban wasn't valid the rules pages themselves need organization more than anything, not really a comprehensive re-writing. the current problem is readability, not scope except for cases involving metagaming new game modes (which even then should have mechanical shields in place where possible). I don't blame current players on LRP for hearing flashes in maint and getting the idea that revolutionaries are running around, there's literally no other way to tell until half the heads die to what looks like a mob of tiders rules and expectations for things like security/command/silicons can use their own tabs in the rules page. Admins in general should be able to apply discretion to large majority of rules in the determination of how much the behavior is disrupting the game for other players (ex: players who don't do anything productive but run around and pick fights/steal from people/be annoying/be the center of attention should have more leeway to be dealt with administratively, even on LRP, or even more leeway to be dealt with IC). That's not to say admins need to intervene in every theft case, but players who are obviously escalating at every turn or merely trying to be a persistent annoyance for no reason should be deal with administratively. similarly this should apply to people willfully antagonizing security for no reason and screaming shitsec when they get arrested, they aren't adding anything to the game.
    6 points
  8. Hi, qwerty here, you might know me as the one who wrote various songs such as Countdown and Starlight which are used in Space Station 14. Well the truth is, I wrote these songs nearly 3 years ago when I was in the beginning phases of teaching myself how to write music. Songs I did for SS13 that have been ported to SS14 are effectively my first actual songs I ever actually released, and it follows that they were some of my first experimentations with music. I'm not actually very proud of them, but I very much so appreciate the loving responses I've gotten from multiple communities regarding them. I would like to announce that I am not the same fool I once was. I am better, I am faster, I am smarter, I am stronger, and I'm back writing music for SS14. I have learned immense amounts of knowledge about music production over the last 3 years and I finally feel confident to write new music for SS14 again that I feel will match up to my personal expectations of myself. As all of my music is, all of my new releases will be licensed under a Creative Commons attribution license, free to use for all. So now I would like to ask the community: What music should I make? I need the ideas: what vibes are missing from the game? What could really use an epic song? What music needs a replacement? I'm all ears.
    6 points
  9. my take is if you want to get schwifty in spaceman game just watch porn instead you loser
    6 points
  10. One Night In 2017 Mummy And Daddy Has Some Fun, But Made A Oopsie. An Oopsie Mummy Should Have Swallowed, But Instead She Said Gobbles Because She Was A Dumb Freaking Turkey. Then There Was A child, their Inteligence was less than mild. By The Time They Were 5 Years Old, They Found Neckbeard Gold. Discord, They Perved On Girls And Made People Hurl With Their Tiny Dick And Somehow Being So Retarded They Were Able To Become A Discord Admin And Maintainer Of A Good Game,But All They Added To The Game Was Unfortunate Pain, One Day A User Called Ragg Said "Hey my ban was 2 days but you made it 3? can you lower it please? I hope The Admins Care about this because its their freaking job." "haha no cunt, get fucked" and so the child went on, to make retarded comments. I wish Mommy Swallowed Him Becausec I'd Rather Talk To A Neckbeard Than An SS14 Maintainer
    6 points
  11. Please read this post and use the template in it for your appeal:
    5 points
  12. Frontier Station owner here. MechaGigaChad has, over the last 2 months, proven not only to be an exemplary player, but also an immensely valuable asset to our admin team. The quality of RP he encourages, enforces, and personally brings to Frontier is a shining example we point to for our players. The incident in question resulting in this ban seems to have been a result of poor decision and not knowing the proper procedures of asking administration. Despite this, their behavior on Frontier has been a shining example for others, setting a consistently high bar for RP. Consider this my official voucher of approval of good behavior.
    5 points
  13. YOU HAVE BEEN BANISHED TO Space Station 13 TO COLLECT 1 Voucher of Good Behavior. ONCE THIS IS OBTAINED YOU MAY PRESENT SAID VOUCHER TO Space Station 14 Admins TO COLLECT 1 Unban from game and discord THE QUEST IS YOURS TRAVELLER
    5 points
  14. Since we posted our original announcement, a lot of things have happened on Nyanotrasen. As you may know, the server has been split and a lot of drama has occurred. I’m posting an update from our side that will provide a summary of what happened, a direct response to accusations made towards us, general thoughts and opinions on the matter, and a final verdict. This post will be extremely long and rambly. There will be a lot of evidence listed, key among which is a 2 hour recording of Nyanotrasen voice chat during the coup. In the description is a list of timestamps for highlights that I think are of particular interest. If you have the time, I encourage you to skim over it. I had originally hoped to keep this brief, however things have kept developing until the point where we now feel we are required to provide a far longer post to sufficiently address this. Summary of events (All times in UTC) April 16 Our verdict in the last announcement was clear: Rane must step down from any staff involvement in Nyanotrasen for the server to be allowed back on the server hub. Shortly after posting this, Rane said he would do it. At around the same time as announcing that he would comply, Rane was also asking me some questions in private regarding possible server/codebase separation. I said I would get back to him on that after discussing with the other PMs. Daemon approaches me in private to ask whether the previous verdict still held for them, due to some admittedly confusing wording on our part in the update announcement. I didn’t reply to them until tomorrow on this matter. Less than two hours after Rane announced he would step down, Nyanotrasen announced a new host, Almond. Almond is Rane’s girlfriend. Rane would later clarify that Almond would only be a temporary host while a proper independent host is appointed, but this fact was not communicated to the community at the time. Daemon, the previous host who stepped down shortly before the dehubbing, decided to come back upon hearing the news about Rane’s-girlfriend-as-host, citing obvious concerns that this would not be satisfactory. Daemon was convinced that, due to the lowering in scope of the previous verdict, they would still be clear to host the server. Internal discussions at Nyanotrasen from the above caused me, Daemon, Rane, ODJ (Old Dance Jacket) and Faye to get added to a group DM to discuss this matter. For me it was already past midnight and I would not read them until next evening. Daemon asserts that Almond is obviously a plant by Rane, Nyano needs to clean house of the issues that lead to the dehub in the first place, and they are willing to enforce that coming back as host. The other Nyano staff members assert that Daemon is blacklisted too so it doesn’t matter, and also that they do not want to work with Daemon anymore. April 17 I read the earlier mentioned group chat. I’m surprised at the development and say we’re discussing it internally. I respond to Daemon and say we’re discussing the exact state of the verdict on them internally. We talk about some other things related to Nyano I will mention later. It is here I learn that Almond is Rane’s girlfriend. April 18 I tell Daemon early in the day that they’re clear for hosting the server, and posted that small update in this announcement post. I also informed the other Nyano staff, and told them that Rane’s girlfriend would obviously not be an acceptable host. Daemon threatens to take over Nyanotrasen themselves, based on the fact that there is no path forward with the existing Nyano head staff. Daemon takes over the Nyanotrasen Discord and starts purging access of staff like Rane, ODJ and Faye. Some people start getting banned. It should be noted that Daemon still had control of all Nyanotrasen infra except the nyanotrasen.moe domain name. Detail on this below. From here on I will refer to Daemon-ran Nyanotrasen as “Daemonyano” and Rane/ODJ/Faye-ran as “Ranyano”. We explicitly switched the hub ban for Nyanotrasen from an IP ban against the previous IP address to a domain ban against nyanotrasen.moe. A new Discord is made for Ranyano and people pour in from the previous server in the grand mess. A new game server gets set up by Ranyano on the old domain nyanotrasen.moe. This server is not on the hub. The game server for Daemonyano goes back up again on a new domain, nyanotrasen.com. This server is on the hub. The coup is not going favorably for Daemon due to general confusion and poor communication, and the Daemonyano game server gets shut down again due to lacking staff. A long discussion is held in voice chat on the Ranyano Discord, involving many staff members and what is going on. I recorded about 2 hours of it and posted it on YouTube. Concurrent to this, Chandler, an outside party from the Trusted Seas Barotrauma community, is trying to mediate the situation and fix it. I quote: “negotiations are failing”. Daemon transfers the Daemonyano Discord to Chandler to let them fix things. April 19 Chandler transfers the Discord back to Daemon due to personal issues. Lies and hearsay are spread around and nothing in public is clear. More internal discussions are underway between us, Ranyano, Daemonyano, and Chandler April 20 Chandler comes back. More of the same: hearsay spread around, internal discussions. I call Rane out on spreading a misinterpretation of some of Daemon’s messages. He makes another group DM to straighten out miscommunication issues and get our story straight. Chandler leaves again due to assorted reasons including personal ones. April 21 Daemon announces they’ll be stepping down and promoting another neutral third-party to take over Daemonyano. Minor internal discussions. April 22 Daemon hands ownership of the Daemonyano Discord to Based Pugilist, intending to step down for good. Direct response to Ranyano I would first like to address an announcement post from the Ranyano Discord server that makes many serious claims towards us. Some of these can be optimistically explained as a genuine misunderstanding, while others I cannot describe as anything other than outright malicious in nature. I should point out that Rane has already apologized to me for this “schizopost” (his words, not mine). Ranyano has not, however, made any public announcement to retract this in their announcements channel, and the accusations are so severe I cannot leave it unaddressed. For starters, there was never an announcement that Almond (Rane’s girlfriend) was only temporary. This is the exact announcement post: Daemon addressed this themselves on two occasions, both of which Rane failed to address. The first was immediately after the announcement that Almond would be host, internally: Rane states he misinterpreted Daemon, and the “deal” he was referring to was with me, to step down from Nyanotrasen. It should be noted I would never classify it as a “deal” by any means, at that point. Like I said earlier, Rane told me he’d be stepping down, asked me some practical questions about it like codebase/server separation matters, and I didn’t give him an answer yet (and never would, due to the drama afterwards derailing things). Furthermore, Daemon outright told Rane that they thought Almond was an “obvious plant”. This is how Rane responded: I would also later reaffirm this, receiving a similar non-response: Rane would later go on in voice to say this was “misrepresented”, somebody (not Rane) even blaming Daemon in part for this: This is the first time Rane mentioned Almond being a temp host anywhere, not even Daemon knew. In fact, Rane even admitted to me it was never communicated anywhere until it was too late: And one more, early in the voice chat this was said about Almond’s position. No mention of being temporary: It doesn’t make any sense to me that the split would mean Almond isn’t necessary as a temp anymore, they did immediately get a game server set up after all? Anyways, back to the announcement image: It is true I was in Rane Ranch (the Discord in question) for a long time, but I basically never interacted with the place except when pinged. I probably joined it on a whim (invite links don’t cost anything to click) and probably have less than 10 messages posted in it. Rane Ranch is not a small private Discord, last I checked it had more than 100 members and Rane occasionally posts the link in places like the Unitystation Discord. I cannot describe this claim, that inactive presence in it is evidence I must have known who Almond was, as anything other than outright disingenuous. I did not know that Almond is Rane’s girlfriend until Daemon told me in private. (it was mentioned in the original group DM, but I skimmed over the messages in question so missed that part until Daemon repeated it to me later) I pressed Rane on this, and he responded that implying I was some sort of regular was wrong, but that he figured other staff on our side probably did know because they looked through Rane Ranch to find evidence for the original dehubbing act. But either way, this doesn’t change anything. I’ve already gone over how Rane never communicated Almond was a temp to anybody, and me knowing this from the start wouldn’t have changed the ensuing events in any predictable way. Rane would also state that he thought it was obvious, because I knew who Almond was, that she was a temp host and it would be dealt with later. Anyways, back to the announcement image: This is blatantly untrue. The only contact I had with Daemon around this time frame was them asking me for clarification on what the verdict on them is, which I said I’d ask internally. Daemon would then go on to call it out on the Nyanotrasen side, which led to the group DM being made and me properly being more involved. I would not read this until the next evening, because I had work. If you want any indication whether I manipulated Daemon into starting the line of thought that they should be host again to fix things, this was my first response after skimming over ~140 messages in that group DM: I will address further accusations of manipulation in a moment. This isn’t really aimed at us, but I’ll just quickly explain what the deal here is: Daemon was originally in control of all Nyanotrasen infrastructure except the nyanotrasen.moe domain name. This means the hardware, Patreon, GitHub and Discord. A lot of this was grandfathered in because the Discord for Nyanotrasen was originally for Daemon’s Arcadia Station server. I do not know what actual arrangements have been “promised back to 2022” in this message, and I don’t think it has any relevance long-term. One particularly contentious point was control over the Discord, which was “owned” by a special holder account. An arrangement was made where, to transfer ownership, Daemon would zip the 2FA recovery codes in a passworded zip (chosen by Rane) and send them to Faye. Daemon still had login credentials (it was also tied to their email address) but they were not able to log in due to discarding the 2FA key. Daemon stepped down from Nyanotrasen on April 2nd, a couple days before the original dehubbing, I’ll talk more about the reasons behind this later. The day before, April 1st, Daemon asked Faye for these 2FA recovery codes, and Faye provided them with no questions asked. Daemon then silently changed the 2FA credentials, which is how they had full control over the Discord. Daemon stated they felt justified to do this, since they figured what was coming with Nyanotrasen and felt that Rane, Faye and ODJ were not suited to keep running the place long-term. Rane has put a lot of focus on this particular point and we cannot endorse violation of whatever agreements were made. This was revealed around April 20th, so nobody knew about this except Daemon while the “coup” was taking place. I asked Daemon personally what the exact stipulations were for the Discord transfer, but they said they weren’t sure anymore. There is also this line by Faye during voice: Anyways, back to the announcement image: These claims are far more aggressive towards us and kind of entangled, so I’ll be addressing them in a moment. The easiest to address immediately is the one about misgendering. I want to go on a bit of a tangent here, so… Yes, when we published the original Nyanotrasen dehub notice, the second PDF file misgendered Daemon. Daemon was upset by this (along with some of the other claims in the documents) and I apologized to them for the mistake in the Unitystation Discord. I’ll repeat the reason the error happened: Daemon only came out relatively recently at the time we were drafting those PDFs, and some PMs just didn’t know yet. We couldn’t really update the existing copies of the PDFs that were going about, and Daemon was somewhat understanding. When I published the update announcement on this thread, I made sure to correct the PDF in question. One of the realizations we had internally about the use of PDFs was exactly that we could not update them with corrections like we could with a forum post, so this is one of the reasons we decided to change format for announcements. Now, this accusation of misgendering is coming from fucking Ranyano. This is where the tangent starts, I’m just gonna dump a bunch of evidence about Ranyano here, this doesn’t really change the rest of the post much. Anyways, onto the accusations of manipulation of Daemon. Rane provided me these messages when I asked for a source: These messages only support the claims of manipulation with an extremely pessimistic reading from the perspective of Rane & co. To be 100% sure I asked Daemon to confirm, and the following interpretation is actually correct: Daemon feels “forced” to execute the coup, because they are convinced a proper culling of Rane from Nyanotrasen is the only way forward for the server to be rehubbed. They already saw Rane try to pull shit by trying to install his girlfriend as host. Daemon agreed with our verdict of harassment and such by Rane, and was convinced that them taking charge and putting their foot down was the only way to avoid Faye and ODJ secretly protecting Rane, which would cause Nyano to be dehubbed forever if found out. Daemon proposed this to me first. We never forced Daemon to do this, and the only greenlight we gave is that we would rehub a Daemon coup if it got rid of Rane. Outside of these specific screenshots, Rane had far more context from private chats. For this accusation to make any sense, Rane would have had to believe that I intentionally acted out a fake surprise at this development, while controlling it from the shadows. Furthermore, Rane eventually desisted from these accusations of manipulation after I… told him to just ask Daemon directly. Guess that’s all it took. Daemon started the discussion that they believed they’d be allowed on the hub again of their own initiative in the old Nyanotrasen discord. They did not have a definitive verdict from us on that yet, and it would take a day and a half for one to be made. I already explained how we did not exploit Daemon during these uncertain hours earlier. The reason I wrote we wouldn’t rehub Nyano without this coup is quite simple: we agreed with Daemon’s conclusion that Rane & co. would keep trying to pull shit. I’ll speak more about this later in the opinion section. We wanted Rane to be blacklisted from the community as much as reasonably possible due to their harassment against our staff members, nothing more. Daemon was of the opinion they could provide that. I should back up a bit, and address the banning of Daemon and their stepping down in the first place. Daemon was banned from our Discord and forum leading up to the dehubbing of Nyanotrasen. A very large factor in this was Daemon’s lack of action to deal with Rane at Nyanotrasen in the first place. Daemon became somewhat of an unfortunate middleman in a lot of this: unable to act due to the other staff at Nyanotrasen being unwilling to listen and already having a bad relationship, but still receiving pressure from us due to Nyanotrasen. This all added onto existing mental health issues which Daemon has been struggling with. The original update to the situation on April 16th did not properly address Daemon’s situation. It was primarily aimed at the current Nyanotrasen and Rane, something which would logically exclude Daemon since they stepped down. The original wording in the update threw Daemon in the same pile as Swept and Rane, which was absolutely not justified. When Daemon came to ask for clarification we came to the conclusion that we probably went too hard on them as well, and made it clear that we’re reverting our decision on that. The decision for what to do with Daemon’s verdict took some discussion on our end. We did know they were going to try this coup if we gave them a greenlight. We also had concerns about their mental health surrounding this, and made sure to ask them about it. We agreed to greenlight Daemon based on the fact that we didn’t feel it was our place to stop them ourselves. We were also very clear that they should make sure to take care of themselves, for whatever happens. In hindsight it can be argued that the coup attempt could violate some form of hub rules, and we should have told them “no” based on that, but this was not really considered at the time. ODJ also made the accusation that Daemon saw this greenlighting as a justification of past behavior. This quote comes after people were describing some of Daemon’s poor past behavior. ODJ then went on a rant about how we are not involved enough in the community to make these kinds of decisions. Daemon is not an individual without history (we did collect it in far more detail than we maybe should’ve, after all) but after speaking with Daemon I came to the conclusion that they understand their mistakes and actually aim to do better, which is not something I can say about other individuals involved in this drama. Obviously it’s not our desire to kill Nyanotrasen, that would ultimately just harm players and the community more than anything. We want the harassment of our staff to stop, and dehubbing is the only stick we are able to swing. When we greenlit Daemon, we did not believe Rane was ever interested in working with us in good faith. We saw Daemon as risky, but the best way forward. These suspicions of bad-faith behavior turned out to be proven true many times in the ensuing chaos and fallout from the coup. One of the most damning pieces of evidence we have is just ODJ outright stating it: Rane was a key staff member doing all kinds of internal negotiations and discussions surrounding this. To say that his stepping would just ban him from posting wojack memes is absurd. We also know that Nyano staff did not take our demand seriously: I apparently have to repeat myself: Nyanotrasen was dehubbed due to vile and persistent harassment sent our way by core members like Rane. Also refer back to my previous statement about Rane’s position clearly being far more than ODJ is implying here. Faye also acknowledged that they had a plan when getting into this. We take this as ruling out internal confusion as an excuse for the earlier voice logs: If you’re a believer in freudian slips, I might even be able to sell you on this one: We take these recordings, and the tomfoolery around the “temporary” host as definitive evidence that Ranyano was never intent on complying with our demands. We see Faye and ODJ as complicit in the matter. Anyways, my truck full of evidence against Ranyano directly is empty. If you’ll indulge me, I have another car trunk full of some deets. We don’t really make an administrative decision on this matter, I just think you should see it. I am going to repeat that we did not make a big deal out of Rane for no reason, and nothing has changed on that front (that you haven’t already seen before in the evidence here). Other core Nyanotrasen staff absolutely hated Daemon even before the whole coup thing. I know Daemon wasn’t an angel by any means, so I do believe there is some truth in some of the stories posted by staff members like ODJ. That said, none of that could possibly justify this behavior towards them (content warning for the spoiler): The voice recording is filled with many instances of ODJ and other staff members throwing slurs and other vitriol towards Daemon. ODJ also gets on a soapbox multiple times to defend their usage of these slurs, and goes full ableist at times. I won’t even bother to list all these incidents here, but most of them are clearly called out with the time stamps attached to the voice chat recording. I’ve already shown their handling of misgendering. My thoughts and opinions This is the part where I drop my cold and calculating PR facade and just write what I actually think of this whole situation and the people involved. Maybe it is a wiser move, publicly, to not write this section. I don’t care, I’m fucking tired and have a bone to pick. This rant will probably be completely incoherent. I was not originally in charge of the situation. Other PMs, those more personally affected by the harassment, were among the ones spearheading the problem. I already explained how we ended up rushing things in the end to finally be able to get this done. This was all done to rid our friends of this pain. From petty shitting on people that “caused” bugs, to outright baseless accusations of pedophilia with an agenda. I was not affected or involved, but I was still vaguely watching it go by from the sidelines. There is nobody in the world that wants to deal with this drama. Nobody. We want to work on this game to create things. Dealing with drama like this is having to put in weeks of soul draining effort to stop people destroying things. It’s a completely thankless job. I’m still very possessive about the project and very perfectionist. Yet still I admitted to myself a bit before the dehub went down that “wow, maybe I could really just let other people handle this”. After the original dehub was announced, several PMs burned out internally. We knew shit was fucked. Barely any progress gets made on outside communication. I finally broke and on April 10th I took charge and worked to start fixing things. Everything from there on was under my control. Of course, more than enough votes were held internally to discuss things, but I was watching over everything. I don’t like to boast, but I think that everything since then has been handled great. That is, about as well as you can deal with a collective group of lying fucking shitters. Yes. I wrote that. This is the anti-PR department. You can make a wholly self-consistent model of the actual actions of Rane, Faye and ODJ that makes the events of the past couple days have transpired with them being fully honest. Such a model would, however, be reliant on many assumptions of them being blithering idiots. ODJ wouldn’t know what the word “staff” means. They're all too stupid to ever drop the word “temporary” when announcing Almond as host. The list goes on. But that’s not what happened. Every piece of evidence we have added to the pile of things that can be more adequately explained by some degree of malice rather than complete incompetence. Realistically the answer is obviously somewhere in the middle. I would rather say Rane is more on the calculating and manipulative side, and ODJ and Faye are more on the incompetent side of the bell curve. Hey, Rane even said he’s an extremely calculating psycho. If Rane wants to eliminate the possibility of all these inconsistencies being an accident, that suits me! I mean, they’re all shitty people either way. They wouldn’t be telling Daemon to kill themselves and sending pedophilia accusations to our staff if they weren’t. The only thing that matters is that they made enough slip-up that allows us to justifiably remove them. I mean, like I said, we always knew. I knew Rane was a serial liar going into this. This wasn’t our first rodeo with him by a long shot. Rane sends me completely reasonable questions on the matter of protocol. I have to answer with a completely reasonable response, which involves ages of internal deliberation and a calculated response for what we can get away with. It’s all playing a stupid game. Rane wants to keep as much power as he can, we have to figure out how much power we can reasonably demand him to give up without him spinning it into something. Rane wants to know if a separation between server/codebase can be argued for. It’s a clear attempt to keep all effective privileges without publicly being server staff. But I can’t just shoot that down can I? Then I look like the unreasonable one! I have witnessed an impressive amount of gear switching and backpedaling coming from Rane over these past couple days. “You must have known Almond was my GF”. “obviously nothing was finalized, we still had to discuss me stepping down”. Modshopping other PMs with the manipulation accusation. “It was a miscommunication on all sides”. “You’re really clever for answering a yes/no question”. And finally, telling me that I shouldn’t write this response. Like I can do that after accusations of manipulating vulnerable people. Literally all Rane would have had to fucking do was to stop fucking harassing us. We don’t give a rat’s fucking ass what Rane does if none of it makes it our way and we don’t hear about it. We say “no staff position” because then we can shift the responsibility to server owners, because dehubbing is the only possible stick we have. If Rane fucks off somewhere and turns a new leaf and we never see anything bad from him again that’s great! The world works! Or make an alt and return to Nyano never incriminating again, I DON’T CARE! But deep down we know he can’t fucking do that, because he’s fucking obsessed. Or we live rent free in his head. Or whatever fucking word you want to use. You want to know where the baseless pedophilia accusations came from? Because we had the gall to demand Nyanotrasen to remove an administrator that had pedophilic content on their online profiles. Cut the shit you fucking weebs, it’s not “lolicon”, it’s pedophilia. Rane has been trying to find something against us ever since. He has not succeeded. But no, I guess our demand to have Rane fuck off in the only way we can is just “flexing our ego” or whatever was said. A great take by somebody that supports the harasser, and does not fall far from the tree themselves. We’ve already had people come out of the woodwork to say “just block them bro”, or we’re overreacting, or all kinds of shit that is extremely easy to say if you’re not the victim of this. Let alone the aggressor. I have wasted weeks of my time on this. Weeks of my time I could have spent to improve the game in a meaningful way. I believe it to be necessary to support the people in this community that I consider my friends, but at the end of it I’m very hollow typing this at 2 AM. I want to say I’m just going to post this rant to the forum, block all communications with Ranyano and let it explode or simmer out from there. I know I can’t fucking do that. This shit isn’t going to be over. It’s not going to end. Hell this text is probably not going to make it to the forum unedited because it truly is the anti-PR department. By the way, ODJ, you wrote that extremely vile hate mail to Daemon, in which you were too stupid to see you’re contradicting yourself. “You’ll never be able to forget the year of your life you wasted” because you want to rub salt in. Then “grow up and move on” like it’s some mature thing to put at the end of your petty rant. Final verdict Rane, Faye and ODJ are blacklisted from any staff involvement in any hubbed server ever again. You don’t get any stupid workarounds, no codebase/server separation like Rane asked for. Just get out of my sight. If you want to come back, then make a new online identity and grow up so I never figure out it’s you again. If I catch you in voice in 5 years and you’ve actually managed it, I’ll be nothing but impressed. The last person we have this opinion on has not even attempted it. Daemon has given control of Daemonyano over to an independent third party, and whatever that server turns into will be allowed on the hub (as long as Rane/Faye/ODJ don’t come back). If any hub rules were truly violated in the coup, we do not believe these should transfer to the new ownership of the server. Update: Old Dance Jacket has been banned from the forum for posting off-topic content, and continuing to spread the same harassment here after getting warned.
    5 points
  15. SS14 account username: Toboyo Ban reason: I asked to be banned for three days so I could focus on a project. Date of ban: Jan 24th Length of ban: 3 days. Events leading to the ban: I ahelped and asked if I could be banned for three days. Reason the ban should be removed: I couldnt sleep that night and spent 9 or so hours consuming caffeine and finished my project in one night. This was supposed to be a Christmas present to my little brother and I just never finished it and kept putting it off. I finished building him a nerf sentry gun that used an arduino to shoot at moving heated objects. I would like to be unbanned please. I can provide proof that its done if needed.
    5 points
  16. i want to see the pictures though
    5 points
  17. this man reported their denial post with the text "ACAB includes admins/moderators". point and laugh.
    5 points
  18. SS14 account: KomaO Character name: Sigmund Goldberg Type of Ban: game ban Date of Ban and Duration: Sometime in the last month or 2 Reason for Ban: Self Antag (mods Kayek and Phantom) Server you were playing on when banned: Lizard Your side of the story: (I have forgotten what I was even banned for besides it relating to sec) Why you think you should be unbanned: I hate lizard with a seething passion and only appeal this ban because I would like to play MRP in the near future
    5 points
  19. Hello and thank you for trying to make our servers a marginally better place by becoming an admin. Here are the requirements: You must have at least 100 hrs of playtime on Wizard's Den servers. Playtime over 150 hrs is highly recommended if you do not have significant experience on another ss13 or ss14 server. You must be visible in Discord as well as ingame. You must have good conduct in-game (e.g. no shittery). You must not have been banned or role banned in the last 2 months. You must be over 18 years of age. Expectations of Accepted Applicants Applicants who are accepted will go through a trial period, which typically lasts one to two months. During this period, you must be active enough in adminning that your performance can be evaluated. If your application is accepted, maintaining the activity level that you indicated on your application should be sufficient. The activity level you indicate on your application should be something you expect to be able to maintain long term, even after your trial period, but it should not be seen as the minimum amount of time you are required to be active. It is not unusual for admins to occasionally take week long, or multi-week breaks. It is also not unusual for trial admins to take week long breaks, though doing so will typically delay the end of their trial. Extreme levels of activity will not necessarily improve the chances of passing trial, nor will it necessarily speed up the trial process. Trial admins are discouraged from being more active during their trial period than they can sustain indefinitely, and are cautioned that it is very common for trial admins to believe they can sustain a much higher level of activity than they actually can, leading to burnout and significantly lower activity overall. Please fill out the following template for your application: In-game Username: [Answer] Discord username: [Answer] Characters you play: [Answer] On average, how many hours do you expect to admin per week: [Answer] Days you are available to admin on: [Answer] How old are you? [Answer] Do you have any SS14 experience outside of Wizard's Den servers, or any SS13 experience? [Answer] Do you have prior administration experience (SS13/SS14 experience preferred, please also post a way for us to verify this)? [Answer] Have you ever been banned from any SS14 or SS13 servers? [Answer] Admins have the ability to perform various tasks which are not available to the average player. An incomplete list of these tasks is: in-game rule enforcement, in-game events, ban appeals, and out-of-game rule enforcement through things like replay/log reviews in response to player reports. With these, and any other tasks you're aware of in mind, answer the following two questions. What are you primarily interested in doing as an admin? [Answer] What are you least interested in doing as an admin? [Answer] Answer the following questions in detail, so we can get a better idea of how you'd approach adminning. What role do you think game admins serve on our servers? [Answer] Why do you want to become an administrator for SS14? [Answer] How do you feel about the current roleplay status on the servers? [Answer] Other than banning problematic players, what admin actions do you believe have the biggest positive impact? [Answer] Have you ever had a negative experience in the game or with a game admin? If so what, if anything, would you do to prevent other players from experiencing this? [Answer] Have you ever had a good experience with the game or a game admin? If so, what was it? [Answer] The following are scenarios, respond with how you would handle each as an administrator. Respond with the assumption that you are an administrator with full access to the admin tools, and that you have all the knowledge needed to use these tools. Scenarios intentionally leave out information so that you can describe how different details would affect your response. Respond in detail, explain the reasons behind decisions you make and describe any assumptions you are making. When you need to make an assumption, it is preferred for you to describe how different assumptions would affect your actions. It is the start of the round. There are 60 players on the server. The game mode is traitors, traitors have not been selected yet. There are three players who decided to observe the round instead of join it orbiting you. Two of them are encouraging you to "do something funny". [Answer] This scenario takes place on LRP. The Head of Security has decided to coup the Captain. The Head of Personnel agrees with the Head of Security and has taken up arms in case it is necessary to aid in effecting the arrest of the Captain. The Captain is hiding with the Quartermaster in the cargo shuttle to avoid the Clown who has stolen the captains saber as a non-antag. There are five people named in this scenario. Please describe what actions, if any, you would take in relation to each, and why. [Answer] You are ahelping a player about an issue. The player has no prior noted issues. A few days earlier, an admin had told you that this type of situation should result in a temporary ban for a first offense, and you are confident that this situation is not substantially different from the type that admin was describing. During the ahelp, another admin pings you on Discord with a link to the ongoing ahelp and tells you to just indefinitely ban them and make them appeal. Excluding trialmins and headmins, all admins are equally "ranked". A headmin is not currently available. [Answer]
    5 points
  20. This PR has been inactive for long enough to be automatically marked as stale. This means it is at risk of being auto closed in ~ 7 days, please address any outstanding review items and ensure your PR is finished, if these are all true and you are auto-staled anyway, you need to actively ask maintainers if your PR will be merged. Once you have done any of the previous actions then you should request a maintainer remove the stale label on your PR, to reset the stale timer. If you feel no maintainer will respond in that time, you may wish to close this PR youself, while you seek maintainer comment, as you will then be able to reopen the PR yourself
    5 points
  21. If you have any good midis for SS14 throw them in here. I'll attach a few of my favorites. serbiastronk.mid homm3-maintheme.mid sweethomealabama.mid greenonions.mid battleoflittleslugger.mid banana.mid
    4 points
  22. Alright, I'm never getting unbanned so lets go ahead and unpack why I was denied in my appeal. The reasons provided in the discussion for this decision were the following: - Belief you were disingenuous with your knowledge on the term, with the association of using it and the transgender flag cape and the dismissive 'woopsies' at the end of your appeal. [So, the reason I originally got banned was for saying "Trannie" when referring to a person wearing a trans cape. I did not at the time and still do not consider this a slur due to the fact that it is fucking ridiculous for a person to get actually upset over that word. Now the idea behind this was to get their attention in a way that gives them a reason for them to dislike me in order to fight them. This doesn't mean that I admit to it being a slur, I just think that it is mildly annoying in the same way calling someone stupid or an idiot would be. Not only that the woopsies at the end of my appeal was meant to show that I believed this was a very casual thing and obviously the people here take their jobs too seriously to see that.] - Your appeal was copy and pasted and low effort. [I made 2 appeals, One was short and to the point and I couldn't be damned to write the exact same thing but rephrased so I copied the first one. How much do you want me to rephrase the fact that I called a trans person a "slur"] - Your history of other bans and history. [Yeah I have absolutely no fucking clue what this means this is my first ban on this server.] You may appeal your ban, but only at least 6 months after your last ban, and only with a voucher of good behavior from another SS13/SS14 server. [6 months. They want me to wait 6 months before appealing again. Who the fuck is that dedicated to getting back into the game to wait six months and also get a voucher of good behavior. The conundrum I'm running into is that if you find a server that you play on for 6 months... why return to the one that banned you. Maybe revise the way you punish people] A voucher of good behavior should be obtained from a well-known or decently active SS13/SS14 server. If it is a mainstream server, we recommend using that server's admin-help to ask for a voucher from one of the administrators explaining that you are trying to appeal a ban on SS14's Wizard's Den and want to show you have been a problem-free player during your playtime on the server. A voucher should be indicative of at least a few months of play. If the voucher is not from a mainstream server, let us know and we will figure out a way to verify it. Appeal Denied - Voucher must be provided on any future re-appeal. Voucher from myself - fuck you mods
    4 points
  23. On Wednesday 2023/04/05, we removed Nyanotrasen from the official game server hub. Our reason for this was harassment and other inappropriate behavior of many official staff members of their server. While we still believe the core reasoning is valid, we absolutely messed up in sentencing, communication, and pretty much everything else related to the incident. This announcement is intended to clarify how we got here, provide updates, and announce changes we're making on our side to avoid this kind of mess in the future. Original announcement We removed Nyanotrasen from the server hub ("dehubbed") on Wednesday 2023/04/05. This was announced in #announcements on Discord, and with it two PDF files were attached with "receipts" (Discord messages etc) justifying our decision. I've attached these PDF files to this post. Rane (staff member at Nyanotrasen) was contacted privately by our staff and notified of the dehubbing via direct message on Discord. Rane had questions about the hub rules, protocol, etc... These were not answered. It should also be noted that a couple days before Nyanotrasen was removed, Daemon (their server host) stepped down from Nyanotrasen for unrelated reasons. The problems There are many issues with the way we handled this. For starters, there was no ahead-of-time communication on the matter towards Nyanotrasen, or any chance for them to fix things before we flicked the switch. Nyanotrasen has removed at least one of the individuals called out in the PDFs of their own volition, despite being removed from the hub. These are issues that could have been resolved more gracefully without a need to make a mess out of it. The hub removal came with no clear basis in the hub rules. The hub rules were updated less than a month before we pulled the plug on Nyanotrasen, and the new strike system was not followed at all. Questions about this matter were outright ignored. The two PDF files were only posted in the public #announcements channel on Discord. I do not believe we ever sent them directly to Rane. This is relevant, because Rane had already been banned from our Discord for a long while. There was no official way for Rane to even view the notice himself. (It's not like PDF files are hard to pass across Discord, but that shouldn't have been necessary in the first place.) To make matters worse, an internal communication error on our end means some worrying and confusing communication made its way to Nyanotrasen a couple weeks before we pulled the plug. This understandably put everybody on edge and made them start worrying about hub rules. All for it not to matter due to the reasons mentioned above. How did this happen? The core of the whole fiasco starts with Rane, a core founding staff member at Nyanotrasen. To put it quite bluntly: Rane has been a source of bad behavior in the community for a long time now. We have been keeping track and filing many incidents for at least as far back as 6 months ago (and possibly more than that). Rane was banned from the SS14 Discord in September of 2022, and that should have been the end of it. It should be noted he was not blocked from contributing on GitHub. But it was not the end of it. After his ban, more instances of harassment and other malicious behavior towards core staff members have kept being perpetuated by Nyanotrasen and related places. While Rane is not an exclusive perpetrator here, he is most certainly a large catalyst. This got to the point where core staff members were being pushed away from the project and stressed out due to the harassment sent their way. Now, for some background. We have a pretty bad track record with dealing with problems like this. A notable example is Swept, who took way too long to be removed from the project despite their actions negatively influencing many members. Rane too should have at least been banned from the Discord much earlier from some of their infractions. We are really bad at organizing ourselves and properly pushing through these administrative decisions. Very little people have any strong motivation to work on these kinds of issues because they are absolutely soul-draining to work on. We're poorly organized, having a clue what is going on can be quite hard, things tend to get pushed out a lot, and so on. Thing to take away: Discord channels are really bad for reviewing things retroactively. We wanted to avoid this decision taking too long to push through, and regrettably the pendulum swung too far to the other side and ended up rushing things. That's not to say it was made in a week though, we were still working on this for more than a month and a half. Discussions about what actions to take regarding Nyanotrasen have been ongoing since before the hub rule strike system was written, which was part of the reason the new strike system was not properly considered. Originally, we were planning on having the following verdict on the removal of Nyanotrasen: Rane must step down, or Nyanotrasen gets removed. While we were gathering evidence however we came across much more problematic behavior from other staff members at Nyanotrasen, and we changed our mind relatively late in the process towards removing Nyanotrasen unconditionally. While we believe we could have reasonably justified a removal of solely Rane under the hub rules given the right communication and early notice, the upgrade to unconditional dehub is a gross overreach that should not have been allowed to happen. It was a rash decision, clouded by a rush to get things done quickly, poor communication, and some strong emotions held towards some of the more colorful messages uncovered. What we intend to do going forward We understand that this mistake has rubbed a lot of server operators the wrong way, and broken a lot of trust in us as arbiters of the hub. For starters, we will be more transparent with all administrative hub decisions going forward. Discord is not the best place to do this kind of stuff, so we've created a new subforum for these. We'll also be enabling replies in this forum to answer questions, but it will be heavily moderated to avoid peanutposting and other off-topic behavior. We also intend to use the top announcements forum more: at this point in the project, we shouldn't be putting all communication on a Discord announcements channel. This also means no more PDFs, as the forum gives us far more space. It also means the ability to live-update posts with new development or to correct information. To be clear on what will be posted in this new subforum: all administrative deicisions that involve actual action against a server (strike or outright dehub). We will not be logging any communications that were easily resolved internally through communication with the relevant server staff, to protect the innocent. We're trying to re-organize ourselves internally to make it easier to track what's going on on the administrative side. Currently we use messily organized Discord threads to track everything, and discussions often get derailed with off-topic discussions. We're looking at alternatives, that might make things easier to manage. And finally, we have made the decision that alternative server hubs will be supported by the official launcher (when somebody gets around to coding it). If people are still wary about our ownership of the hub, we hope this should quell any concerns you have for the future of SS14. It would be possible for any third-party to set up their own server hub and for players to add it to their launcher with a link or IP. Updated verdict We are pulling back the scope of the our decision to what we originally decided on internally: Nyanotrasen will be allowed back on the server hub if Rane steps down from any staff involvement in the project. We will not press the issue on other individuals at Nyanotrasen further based on what we have for now. Further clarifications What's the hub? What does removal entail? The terminology used can be a little confusing and inconsistently applied. To make sure everybody is on the same page, I'm just going to clarify it here. "The hub" is kind of an old term that stems from BYOND, where it used to refer to the official BYOND website and server browser. Many SS13 servers aren't "on the hub", because they aren't on the public server browser. Instead, you connect via the direct IP address (in the form of a byond:// link). While they aren't on the server browser, you still need a BYOND account and so on. In SS14, we, the "Space Wizards Federation", run the central accounts and server browser infrastructure that BYOND did in SS13. For SS14 we've been kind of trying to be consistent and use "the hub" only for "the server browser", but I can't guarantee we've been 100% consistent in that. In general I've tried to always prefix it with something like "the game server hub" or something for clarity. Either way, for the purposes of everything here, "the hub" = the built-in game server browser in the launcher. When we speak of "dehubbing", we mean blocking a server's ability to show up on the launcher's server list. This only blocks said server(s) from showing up on the built-in "servers" tab in the launcher, we do not restrict anything else: It is still possible to connect to the server manually via the "direct connect" button in the launcher. It is still possible to add the server as a favorite and see it on your launcher's home screen. We do not restrict any other services we are responsible for, like accounts and session services. The only scenario in which we ever feel like we would need to go as far as messing with the points above would probably involve outright illegal activity, and I hope that never comes up. Who enforces the hub rules? This is a minor incident that didn't really make things much worse in the grand scheme of things, so I'm putting it down here: One point that added some extra confusion to the whole scenario is the fact that word of a maintainer was taken as clarification of the hub rules, a bit before the dehubbing took place. This maintainer contributed to the revised hub rules, so it's understandable their word might have been taken as authorative on the matter. To be completely clear: the hub rules are not enforced by codebase maintainers (purple name on Discord/Forum), only project managers/wizards (red and green name on Discord/Forum, respectively). If you have any questions, project managers or wizards are the people to ask. What this means for Rane and others We've already had one server host come forward asking us what this all were to mean if a community member like Rane were to contribute to another codebase after leaving Nyanotrasen. To this, we have the following answer: We see Rane/Daemon/Swept as large liabilities, and they have been given second chances already for their behavior. We recommend other servers to not make them actual staff members (e.g. maintainer, admin) due to the behavior outlined before, though accepting contributions from them and such is fine. If you do make them a staff member, know that we will scrutinize their behavior heavily. nyano_dehub_1.pdf nyano_dehub_2_fixed.pdf
    4 points
  24. Here's an advanced setup for making frezon. No pipes are stacked in this picture, so it should be clear how it's built. Text next to filters indicates which gas they are set to filter. Tritium is made in the segment with a heater. Filters pointing into their own pipe network function by letting all gas through except that which they are set to filter. Filter in top right corner is used to clear excess gas and let new fuel into the pipe chamber, set rate according to your available oxygen reserves. Nitrogen filter is set to around 15 rate, it removes a portion of nitrogen that's created during frezon creation; from sleep gas decay. To jump-start the contraption, a bit of nitrogen needs to be added to the freezer section.
    4 points
  25. I don't know where you've played where this is even remotely okay or warrants a warning. I'd tell you to appeal again in a month but it looks like you immediately attempted to ban evade so don't bother.
    4 points
  26. Hi. We specifically rule against killing AFK players for the very scenario which occurred, where AFK players come back to the game and are rightfully upset they have been murdered for no reason. Perceived rule-breaking by other players does not enable you to do the same. Furthermore I do not appreciate you insulting our staff for enforcing rules that you appear to have little regard for. Volunteer administrative staff are not your verbal punching bags. This appeal will have the opposite effect and your ban is upgraded to appeal-only. You may appeal this ban in no less than two weeks from now (April 11th, 2023).
    4 points
  27. SS14 account username: gunker123 Ban reason: not the correct age to play Date of ban: 3/3/23 Events leading to the ban: I was wrongfully jailed in game, i told them repeatedly but they wouldnt listen, i was than banned after joking to an admin that i was one year older than he inferred that I was. Reason the ban should be removed: This admin with the world "Engineer" in his name, I can't remember it completely, fully and blantantly abused his power to ban people. I made a joke which i thought was aloud, instead I am punished for it. He did not take any action to accumulate information on if I were serious or not about my age, he also implied that I was actually 13, meaning he assumed I was, and would have been okay with it if I hadn't even mentioned it. This is a power thirsty admin who in the eyes of the people, is not for the people, but for himself and full control over the people.
    4 points
  28. lol you pming staff relentlessly and throwing a tantrum because you got banned for being named xX'n word' slayerXx says otherwise
    4 points
  29. Hi, I was playing Jaquin Goodfisher in the round before you were banned. You killed me with zero escalation. You stopped me and asked what I was doing, where I was going, and what my job was. While we were talking, you hit me with your stun baton, and while I was down you continued to hit me until the battery died. After the battery died, you continued hitting me. All while I was asking "What is going on? Why are you doing this?" You then pulled out a Predator and shot me to death. In this entire encounter I had not taken a step, had not engaged harm mode, had not even put anything into my hands. When the detective walked up, you told the detective I shot at you and my "aim was shit." When you later died, you said, "wow look at all the mad little ghosts." When someone told you that your behavior was bannable, you said "someone doesn't care." I don't think you have any intention of participating in the community in an appropriate fashion. The fact that you are a new player, admitting you do not know the controls or mechanics, and yet you chose to join Security and use violence without any form of reasonable escalation shows that you only want to ruin the experiences of others. Even your username is a testament to just how little you actually care about your representation within the community. I think you are a malicious player, a troll, and generally a disdainful person. I am glad that you were banned permanently. If you somehow managed to get a voucher from another server, I wouldn't peanut post on your appeal, but given what you have done here I really doubt that will ever happen. You made your bed, time to lie in it. So much for not caring about getting banned, eh analreaper420?
    4 points
  30. Hello, Although Nyano is separate from WizDen, they are one of WizDen's partnered servers. As such Wizden's and Nyano's admins share some data about their more "problematic" players. I have already seen people who were banned on WizDen's get automatically banned from Nyano with the reason being in relation to Wizard. I would also like to add that the admins of Nyano definitely talked about your case while it was being handeled on WizDen and slandered you in admin chat which I do not agree on, in terms of transparency or honesty. It also appears you made a well written appeal explaining your POV and you're only recieving a toxic response as well as admins avoiding the real issue of asking about OOC and getting banned for an assumed political opinion. I do not believe you are trans-ist but that you were instead genuilnely worried about the captain breaking other roleplayer's immersion with their political statement. Kindly,
    4 points
  31. 4 points
  32. Hello again. Admin consensus is to deny this appeal and require a voucher for any future appeals. A future appeal must be made at least 6 months from the time your ban was placed(2023-12-01). This is due to many factors, but these are the prominent ones: You have a very large history of previous issues. While we understand that you also have an extremely large amount of playtime which is bound to lead to more incidents we cannot disregard the sheer amount of them and their severity. The hateful statements you made were also a big part of this decision. We understand that those statements were made hastily and/or under poor mental health however we also cannot just ignore them. While you have apologized for all of the above, and have stated that you have improved your state of mind we cannot just take this at face value. This is why we would be much more confident accepting an appeal in the future accompanied by a voucher of good behavior. A voucher of good behavior should be obtained from a well-known or decently active SS13/SS14 server. If it is a mainstream server, we recommend using that server's admin-help to ask for a voucher from one of the administrators explaining that you are trying to appeal a ban on SS14's Wizard's Den and want to show you have been a problem-free player during your playtime on the server. A voucher should be indicative of at least a few months of play. (edited)
    3 points
  33. We have removed Ian Station due to violation of the Space Wizards Hub Rules: 1.5. If your server or community as a whole is 18+, you must do due diligence to remove underage players Due to the severity of the issue we have decided to immediately go for a 3-strike dehub. Details Ian Station is an 18+ Russian ERP server that is intermittently hosted. We cannot provide an exact server address as it keeps being hosted from a different IP. We received multiple reports of the server's owner being underage themselves, and neglecting to enforce that people are actually 18. We were able to verify these claims on their official Discord, the owner publicly stating on multiple occasions what their age is (I'm not gonna post any direct messages on this however...). I also found multiple off-handed mentions of "half the server is underage and you know it"-type stuff, though I'm not interested in doing an in-depth analysis to see how much of that claim is simply hyperbole. Furthermore, we found this message from the owner in their announcements channel: Google Translate (emphasis mine): We take all this as clear evidence the server's administration has little interest in properly enforcing basic age requirements, and decided we would rather go with the nuclear option.
    3 points
  34. Maybe lone not but i wont lie or omit things to better present my case. I did ban evade (with justification) and I truly believe that Jschip is a massive snitch. I also truely believe this ban discord was kangaroo court in the first place.
    3 points
  35. You do not need to insert your irrelevant opinionated two cents onto this appeal. Do not peanut post.
    3 points
  36. If you get banned from every single English-speaking servers, the only way to earn your voucher is by good behavior in an SS13 server. That's right, your punishment is BYOND salvation.
    3 points
  37. I fail to see how your characters skin color matters literally at all in relation to anything else. I find it really revealing that you conveniently do not remember saying these things to an admin, but you DO remember that your character was black.
    3 points
  38. I'll shorten this down to a day since you didn't attempt to alt. Approved.
    3 points
  39. Since I have a tendency to forget people like this, a note for the future: Do not ever unban this dude. After me denying this ban appeal, he came to discord with an alarming number of alts (jesus dude, dont you have anything better to do), to: - let loose the average insecure transphobic bullshit: "you are all mentally ill", "you are on the verge of suicide", "they were triggered!!!" etc - offer admins 5k to unban & admin him because "thats the amount of money where friendships break" (lmao, maybe yours) - continue to larp about being a millionare. sure bud, we all heard it, you got money :P Talk about a mask-off moment, huh. All in all, this is just sad. I was more on the forgiving side on this decision, given i had talked to you before in dms and actually got a nice impression, but i am lucky that the (big) majority of admins wanted you gone. I do also have to disappoint, you did not "trigger" anyone so much so that everyone just went "oh, yep, hes loosing his shit lmao". You see, the sad reality is that you aren't the only disturbed asshole out there, so once tends to build up a tolerance to this kind of bullshit. Since i am certain you will be reading this, I want to leave you with this thought exercise: While you seemed to be very worried about our transgender staff being mentally ill (i interact with them daily and can ensure you, they are not), you seemed to loose your shit about being banned from a niche community of a not-even-done remake of a game from a niche community so much so that you actually offered people 5k, as well as spent the rest of your day, furiously changing accounts and attacking people. I dunno about anyone else reading this, but I have a strong feeling, you might be projecting when calling others mentally ill. Get help, genuinely. And to make it abundantly clear: Your disturbed ass isn't coming back to this community as long as I'm here, and I'm not going anywhere. Goodbye forever, you will not be missed and promptly forgotten.
    3 points
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